The Canton Rotary is proud to support the following organizations in 2024 thorough our Endowment funds:
- The Canton Palace Theatre: $15,000
- Toward our total gift of $100,000 supporting their upcoming Capital Project.
- Career Apprenticeship and Mentorship Program (C.A.M.P): $2,000
- Requesting $75,000 ($25,000 per year for three years) to expand wrap-around programming services for students at the Early College Middle and High School in the Canton City School District. With support, C.A.M.P. would expand student internship opportunities, College Planning Alliance services (college financial planning services, on-site college visits, ACT/SAT training) and transportation services, as well as create marketing materials to further expand donor relationships in the greater Canton community. More specifically, funding would support the Executive Director's salary, College Planning Alliance services,college visits, bookkeeping and accounting services.
- Compassion Delivered: $2000 (for Canton area)
- From SCF: 2024 Meal Delivery to Stark County Residents Diagnosed with Life-Threatening or Terminal Disease - Compassion Delivered is requesting $10,000 to support the costs of providing free food, meal packaging and client cards, bags and gifts for Stark County residents diagnosed with a chronic or life-threatening disease. Each meal recipient is required to complete an application with their healthcare provider. Once approved, a case review is conducted every four to six months to keep Compassion Delivered informed of changes in their health status and the ongoing need for meal delivery. While Compassion Delivered does not have a registered dietician on staff, they are working with North Canton Medical Foundation to determine the viability of adding this role to their team to provide nutritional education to meal recipients.
- En-Rich-Ment: $2500
- From SCF: Addressing Youth After-School Transportation Vulnerability in Stark County - EN-RICH-MENT is requesting $17,706 to provide transportation to an estimated additional 60 students during our 2024-25 program year, specifically for a CDL driver for our van, its maintenance/gas, and use of a school bus (driver and mileage).
- Girls On The Run: $2000 (Canton Students)
- From SCF: The GOTR Program Funding Initiative for Stark County - The Girls on the Run East Central Ohio (GOTR) is requesting $25,000 for the Stark County GOTR Program Funding Initiative, which ensures any Stark County girl in third through eighth grade can participate in this youth development program that helps girls learn life skills, resolve conflicts, make intentional decisions, gain confidence and increase physical activity. The program, which combines a 10-week curriculum with a 5K training plan, is delivered by volunteer coaches twice a week after school.
- Eric Snow YMCA: $2000 (Senior Programming)
- Excerpt from Request: Here at the Snow YMCA, the area of the community that we serve has a real lack of options for our local seniors and we are working hard to address that through our Active Older Adults programming. Over the last several months, we have expanded our programming beyond just senior fitness, to add social activities where people can gather for fellowship, meals, games and cards, occasional crafts and local field trips they can enjoy together. With our YMCA being located in the poorest zip code in Stark County, our ability to provide free and accessible programming here is vital to the emotional health and wellbeing of the seniors here. We are asking the Canton Rotary Club to help support these efforts with a grant of $2000 so that these opportunities can be provided at no cost to participants.
- Feed Kids First :$2000 (Canton Area)
- Except from request: We would like to request a donation in the amount of $2,000.00 for our upcoming Holiday Meal Box Program, which aims to provide children with food over the long holiday break. As the holiday approaches, the need in our community becomes apparent as many local children lose access to school meals. We invite you to partner with us this holiday season. Your donation will go to purchasing food items needed to fill these boxes. The cost to provide one holiday meal box is $10, and our goal is to distribute 400+ meal boxes to students at 12 of our partner schools this holiday.
- Whispering Grace: ($2000)
- Our Mission: Providing HEALING of the HEART while encouraging an atmosphere of HOPE through Christ-centered prayer and guidance in our community. Our Vision: Whispering Grace Horses will provide the resources to rescue the equine, mentor the family and individuals seeking availability. The ability to offer hope for the entire family unit and also to individuals, as well as the entire community, provides an outreach opportunity creating a safe and positive environment.