Fellow Canton Rotarians, today is the LAST CHANCE to volunteer for our Rotary 'JA-In-A-Day' program at Harter School, next Wednesday, March 11th!

We will be teaching ‘JA Our Community’ along with our friends from Jackson Rotary. This program teaches 2nd graders about business and jobs in our community, working for a wage, taxes and how they pay for government services and workers, and how money moves through a community.

The kids LOVE this program!

Time commitment is 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM.

Please contact Rick Taylor at 330-575-2870 or rtaylor@jaonline.org or Maureen Pittman at 330-933-1278 or mpittman@jaonline.org for more information or to volunteer.

For those who cannot volunteer on this date, we expect to have at least one more date for a JA-In-A-Day later this month or in April or May.