The Rotary office received a "Thank You" letter dated July 3, 2015, from David Miller, President of the Philomatheon Society of the Blind. David wrote:
"Dear Mr. Fettman, On behalf of the Philomatheon Society of the Blind, I would like to thank you and your committee for the Philomatheon Society of the Canton Rotary Club for the effort put forth on behalf of the Society at our picnic on Saturday last.  It is an event looked forward to with great anticipation by the entire Society and could not be pulled off without your help, as well as the other's who contributed.
This year was an especially good year.  The turnout was more than in recent years and everyone enjoyed themselves.  The food, as always was fantastic and the surprise dessert put the people over the top.
The Society values the connection and the help received from the Rotary and could not have some of our events without Rotary help.
Thank you once again for all of the effort, great food and help that was given to make the picnic a great success.  Please let us know if the Society can assist the Rotary in any way."